Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fouth Meeting Review

Could             --> Dulu bisa tapi sekarang tidak bisa

Was able to   --> Dulu bisa sampe sekarang juga bisa

Would                        --> Repeated action in the past


I am used to eating hamburger (Habit in present)


I used to eat hamburger (habit in the past, now you don't do that again) 



Would rather go....  (True)


Would rather to go....         (False)


Had better go....                   (True)


Had better to go...    (False)

 Some of the materials in the fourth meeting has been reviewed so the write will not review the materials anymore.




Present (+)


Past (+)

Have to


Had to

Present (-)


Past (-)

Don’t / Doesn’t have to


Didn’t have to

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Third Meeting Review

There is no polite request in the past

There is only have to not has to

He may have be sick --> now
He may have been sick --> past

How to differentiate advice and certainty is from the context.

Advice: You should study harder (now)
You should have come earlier (past)

Certainty: You should have work harder
You should have kept your promise

Had better (advice in present)

I had better go to school (OK)
I had better to go to school (X)
I had better went to school (X)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Used to, Would and be used to

Using used to, would, and be used to

We use would to and used-to to repeat action in the past

Continuous action in the past = used to

For continuous action use used to not would.

For past situations that not longer exist, use used to not would

Be used to means be accustomed to

Ex: Mary is used to cold weather (Mary sudah terbiasa dengan udara dingin)

Ex: Mary is accustomed to cold weather

To be used to + N

Used to + V1

Mary is used to cold weather (mary sudah terbiasa dengan udara dingin)

Mary used to live in bandung (mary dulu tinggal di bandung, sekarang sudah tidak)

Mary get accustomed = mary get used to

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Degree of Certainty (Future time)

Degrees of certatinty (future time)

Kay will do well on the test

100 % sure

(the speaker feels sure)

Kay should do well on the test

Kay ought to do well on the test

90 % sure

(the speaker is almost sure)

Kay may do well on the test

Kay might do well on the test

Kay could d owell on the test

Less than 50 % sure

(the speaker is guessing)

Degree of Certainty (Present time negative)

Degree of certainty (Present time negative)

Sam is not sick

100 % sure

Sam Could not be sick

Sam can not be sick

99 % sure

Sam must not be sick

95 % sure


Sam may not be sick

Sam might not be sick

Less than 50 % sure

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Expectation: Be supposed to and Be to

The game is supposed to begin at 10:00.

Be supposed to is close mearning to should

The game is to begin at 10:00.

Be to is close meaning to must.

Be to is used to state strong expecation

Be to is stronger, more definite, than Be supposed to.


Advisability: Should, Ought to, Had better.

You should go and see a doctor

Should: This is a good idea

You ought to go and see the doctor.

Ought to: This is important

You had better go and see the doctor or your child will get contaminated.

Had better: This is a warning

Negative forms:

Should not

Ought not

Had better not

Had better is followed by the simple form.

Had better is stronger than should/ought to, and implies a warning or possible bad consequences.



Have to

Have got to



Ought to

Had better

The past form of should

I had a test this morning. I didn’t do well on the test because i didn’t study for it last night. I should have studied last night.

Should have + past participle